Saturday, May 18, 2013


I'm about to have my first vacation in I don't even know how long and boy oh BOY I cannot wait! First to see my best friend and then off to Texas to see my mom! It's been about 6 months since I've seen my mom and I'd say that's about 6 months too long. :)

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Epic fail.

I was all excited about blogging and what have I done nothing....hmm. This is going to be harder than i thought apparently.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

The Start of something..... good?

Hi there, I'm Trish. Let's just start this off by saying I am in NO WAY a professional blogger. I will spell things wrong and not use correct punctuation (except for one spell check chimes in thank you very much) hehe. But I will post about what I love. Things that make you wonder, and possibly things that make you mad. But it's my blog and I will do what I want right?

For as long as I can remember I have read blogs followed blogs and have had a passion to Blog. To date I believe I have had 5 failed attempts? ( haha ) So here's to a last and final attempt. I'm going to make it a New Years resolution I suppose. Yes, this year it won't be your typical resolution. Least not for me. So I want to use this blog for a few purposes.

First, to share my love of crafts, cooking, and fashion. I love all these equally and love to share my love for them. Wow so much love huh? Well here I will do my best to post all of my creations and finds.

Second, I want this to be a place I can document every step in my life going forward. I just turned 27 and by no means is this old, but lets face it. I'm not getting any younger either. I love my life with my boyfriend Tom and we have lots of fun adventures and I know more to come so what better way to remember them then by posting it on here right?

Well like I said, I'm no professional. I am going to make every attempt to make this blog stick. :)

So let's recap.. shall we?

  1. New to blogging. 
  2. Lots of ambitions.
  3. Bad speller. 
  4. Lover of a lot of stuff. 
  5. Going to be a blogger if it kills me.

Love Always,